
USAID, IPE Global & GE announce partnership to improve healthcare in India


26-Apr-17 GE Healthcare and Partnerships for Affordable Health Access & Longevity have announced a partnership to address the needs of underserved communities in India. They will aim to reduce morbidity and mortality among women and children by leveraging private markets and community engagement to promote healthy behaviour change, improve access to primary healthcare, and reduce out-of-pocket expenses. [image: India Education Diary]

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Obesity increased by 60 percent over the last decade in Brazil


25-Apr-17 Obesity is increasing at a high pace with one in every five Brazilians obese. More than half the population is overweight. The prevalence of obesity has increased by 60% from 11.8% in 2006 to 18.9% in 2016. With little time to eat, people have reduced home-cooked meals and opted for faster, higher caloric foods. [image: Global Health Intelligence]

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India pushes for skill development and medical safety


18-Apr-17 India embarked on its health reform journey a decade ago and is still far below its target of medical specialists per 1,000 people. To help bridge this gap, companies such as Becton Dickinson are collaborating with the government to assist in skilling and training. BD launched training courses and curriculum for super specialty paramedical care. [image: ET Healthworld]

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Indian health bodies welcome passage of Mental Healthcare bill


29-Mar-17 Indian Parliament this week passed the Mental Healthcare Bill marking a paradigm shift in how people with mental disorders are treated in India. The bill will decriminalise suicide by mentally ill people and provide the right to better healthcare for people suffering from mental illness. Moreover, it will allow for mental health interventions through insurance. [image: ET Healthcare]

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Reducing pollution in China may save 3 million lives each year


15-Mar-17 China could prevent three million premature deaths each year by enforcing tighter air quality standards and reducing particulate matter to the level recommended by the WHO. Air pollution appears to have a much greater impact on deaths due to cardiorespiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic lung disease (COPD), than it does on deaths due to other causes. [image: ET Healthworld]

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